
David's Collection

Beginning Drawing


I think everybody likes to draw, doodle or design, probably most of us aren't any good at it, but if we enjoy it, then we keep at it. The first drawing class I took was back in college, probably 1977 or so. It was fun and all through college I would do little drawings and then tried some painting. But once college came and went, so did the time for drawing. Until 2012, when I decided to try and get a print making certificate at the New Hampshire Institute of Art. Previously I have taken pottery and photography courses there but print making seems to really appeal to me. Plus I think its just in my blood. My grandfather quit school when his father passed away at the age of 13. He became a print maker's apprentice and over the years worked with way up to owning his own printing company. I can still remember the presses, even though I was only six. Anyway, I am rambling. This page a link to my Visual Studies and Beginning and Intermediate Drawing classes at NHIA.
